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May 14, 2009 rated it it was amazing
This book centers around a couple who are married and begin their life as a fairy tale. They have dreams and hopes for a future that would create a lifestyle built on hard work and sacrafice.

One thing was missing in this marriage. They were given vows to take by their minister to have three connections to their marriage. They needed to commit to each other making two and the third commitment would be to God. These three strands would hold their life together during the tough times.

The tough ti

This book centers around a couple who are married and begin their life as a fairy tale. They have dreams and hopes for a future that would create a lifestyle built on hard work and sacrafice.

One thing was missing in this marriage. They were given vows to take by their minister to have three connections to their marriage. They needed to commit to each other making two and the third commitment would be to God. These three strands would hold their life together during the tough times.

The tough times did come economically and their commitment to their marriage. Jobs and stress came between a couple who loved each other deeply. They were pulled apart by personal values and opinions on how life should be lived.

It was their recommitment to their faith in God and their marriage to one another that brought them back together. This story is about all of us. It is a reminder how the depths of our commitment we make unconditionally before God and each other is filled with enough love to last lifetime.

Kimberly Hicks
OMG I couldn't put this book down, and I personally do not know what is wrong with people why the movie wasn't well received because it was a great book, and I loved the movie as well. I tell ya, if you ever want to know how strong of a person you are, especially in a marriage, this story will touch those bases.

What this couple goes through is something else. And it is very easy to be broken with what they have to face, but in true T.D. Jakes style, you will not be disappointed. Plenty of stuff

OMG I couldn't put this book down, and I personally do not know what is wrong with people why the movie wasn't well received because it was a great book, and I loved the movie as well. I tell ya, if you ever want to know how strong of a person you are, especially in a marriage, this story will touch those bases.

What this couple goes through is something else. And it is very easy to be broken with what they have to face, but in true T.D. Jakes style, you will not be disappointed. Plenty of stuff to think about reading this book!

Jul 03, 2008 rated it it was ok
The overall idea was a good one, however I prefer not to be hit over the head with the "moral message". The prose were a bit too conversational for my taste. One of the few times that I'll say the movie was better than the book. The overall idea was a good one, however I prefer not to be hit over the head with the "moral message". The prose were a bit too conversational for my taste. One of the few times that I'll say the movie was better than the book. ...more
Jul 07, 2008 rated it did not like it
If I could give this 0 starts I would. This is quite possibly the worst book I have ever read. The writing was terrible, the plot more than predictable and the characters unremarkable. So boring, I quite half way through. Save yourself time and boredom, don't pick this one up! If I could give this 0 starts I would. This is quite possibly the worst book I have ever read. The writing was terrible, the plot more than predictable and the characters unremarkable. So boring, I quite half way through. Save yourself time and boredom, don't pick this one up! ...more
Jan 18, 2014 rated it it was amazing
I was glad that Dave and Clarice decided to work together and seek help in there marriage .
3Brittany C
Mar 23, 2009 rated it it was amazing
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
T.D Jakes was born Thomas Dexter Jakes Sr. he is an American Intrepreneur and chief pastor of the "The Potter House" which is a

30,000 member church in Dallas, Texas. He has written more than 20 books and he has produced movies based on his novels.

Have you ever had a disagreement with a spouse, friend, sibling, or family member? Well after many years or marriage, disagreeing

on what happiness, success, and love really is, Dave and Clarice Johnson finally face the breaking point of their marriage.

T.D Jakes was born Thomas Dexter Jakes Sr. he is an American Intrepreneur and chief pastor of the "The Potter House" which is a

30,000 member church in Dallas, Texas. He has written more than 20 books and he has produced movies based on his novels.

Have you ever had a disagreement with a spouse, friend, sibling, or family member? Well after many years or marriage, disagreeing

on what happiness, success, and love really is, Dave and Clarice Johnson finally face the breaking point of their marriage. When Clarice

and Dave end up in a car crash on there way to a special party that was for Clarice for her outstanding work in Real Estate, the whole way

up until the accident they were arguing about him not caring, being late and only caring about "those kids" and her leg gets crushed,

the obvious truth that more than just her injuries need immediate attention is finally being exposed.

In the book Clarice and Dave have very different opinions on what it means to be successful and to live a meaningful life. Clarice is

driven by her quest to climb the social ladder and is just satisfied with coaching little league and running a janitorial service of his own.

Dave would love to have kids of his own but Clarice is not ready for children, would she ever be ready?

After Clarice substain injuries in the accident the constant presence of the new physical therapist, Julie, and the mentoring relationship

between Dave and Julie's son crates strife and tension that quickly moves this broken marriage into an even deeper ditch. Julie and Dave

start talking and have some what of an affair that Clarice finds out by waking up by Dave's constant moaning in his dream about her and

by looking through his phone.

In the end of the book Julie's son dies from a pool accident, Clarice is doing well with her leg and her and Dave finally get counseling

and there marriage and trust in each other starts to build a little more each day. Clarice also finds out that she is pregnant and that she is

ready to start there marriage over again with Dave and the child that they are expecting.

Sep 13, 2011 rated it it was amazing
T.D. Jakes challenges his readers in this novel to step into hope and activate faith. This book is directed toward those seeking to marry or those who are already joined. Not many writers speak out on how to keep a marriage together under extreme circumstances. Here we see the writer create everyday characters and play them in everyday roles. David is a man of romance, he wants the best for his wife, and he desires to have children. On the other hand, his wife Clarice, is the exact opposite of h T.D. Jakes challenges his readers in this novel to step into hope and activate faith. This book is directed toward those seeking to marry or those who are already joined. Not many writers speak out on how to keep a marriage together under extreme circumstances. Here we see the writer create everyday characters and play them in everyday roles. David is a man of romance, he wants the best for his wife, and he desires to have children. On the other hand, his wife Clarice, is the exact opposite of him. She constantly nags him about his minimum wage job, his broke down truck, and his "nice guy" personality. Clarice wants the high life and David just wants to live life. Being that Clarice is the bread winner, he doesn't feel like a man because she is so independent. However, the author soon takes a sharp U-turn when he allows both characters to be in an accident where Clarice shatters her leg. This is where the story starts to change and we see Clarice slowly, but gradually becoming the submissive wife she is supposed to be and David being frustrated with his newfound responsibility of having a crippled wife. Then Jakes takes his reader on another curve when he allows another woman to enter the picture (Clarice therapist!). Here we see Jakes showing the temptations of life and a road where many marriages cross; adultery. This book made me upset, happy, and excited.

Jakes inspired me to write about issues that we face daily and then confront them. He also proved to me that its ok to narrow your audience.

Katrina Burchett
Dave and Clarice Johnson: married fifteen years and it takes a car accident to bring unexplored problems in their relationship to the surface. Clarice's "I can take care of myself" mentality causes more of a gap between her and Dave than was already there before the accident, and Clarice's mother, who is obviously a bitter woman holding onto past hurts, doesn't help the situation. And then there's Clarice's physical therapist, Julie. She likes Dave for who he is, and when they're together he fee Dave and Clarice Johnson: married fifteen years and it takes a car accident to bring unexplored problems in their relationship to the surface. Clarice's "I can take care of myself" mentality causes more of a gap between her and Dave than was already there before the accident, and Clarice's mother, who is obviously a bitter woman holding onto past hurts, doesn't help the situation. And then there's Clarice's physical therapist, Julie. She likes Dave for who he is, and when they're together he feels appreciated. Dave, who, unlike his wife, is sure he wants children, becomes a stand-in father for Julie's son, Bryson, whose own dad is never around. A real bond forms there.

Can Clarice hold onto her man when she isn't giving him what he needs; especially when there's another woman who's willing to do just that? Will Dave decide his marriage is worth saving, or will he move on and begin a new relationship with Julie? These are the questions that came to mind as I read this novel. It turns out that God the Father, verses from Ecclesiastes, and a marriage counselor all play a part in getting this marriage back on track.

I have listened to the teachings of Bishop T.D. Jakes for quite some time now. Whether he's speaking or writing, this man of God has a way with words that can get a life-changing message straight to the heart of the listener or reader. I'm glad he has decided to include fiction among his many books. This one is as good as all of the rest!

Feb 05, 2009 rated it it was ok
I wanted to read the book first, before going to see the movie. However, it happened the other way around. I was disappointed with this book for many reasons since I saw the movie first. T.D. Jakes took many characters and plots out, not sure why, such as Todd was not mentioned in the movie, who was Julie's husband (white girl, therapist for Clarice, Dave's wife). There was no ending of Clarice telling Dave she was pregnant while he was cleaning off the field like in the movie, instead the book I wanted to read the book first, before going to see the movie. However, it happened the other way around. I was disappointed with this book for many reasons since I saw the movie first. T.D. Jakes took many characters and plots out, not sure why, such as Todd was not mentioned in the movie, who was Julie's husband (white girl, therapist for Clarice, Dave's wife). There was no ending of Clarice telling Dave she was pregnant while he was cleaning off the field like in the movie, instead the book ended with a baseball game that his wife cheered on with Julie and friend Brock. It also seemed like they added another character in the movie as his friend. There roles was nothing like the book either. Brock was supposedly never married, but in the movie he was divorced. Too many twists for me. I guess he wanted better for the movie and more drama, since drama was weak. Only caught you on the first couple of pages, the accident scene, and that was it for me.

I like the importance of marriage, "three-fold cord", man, woman, and God should be the center focus of a marriage. Without God, how will we be able to go through the good and bad times together! He is the link that holds us together as a couple. This is the only reason why I gave it a 2 star.

Vondella R.
Jul 02, 2010 rated it it was amazing
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. T.D. Jakes did an awesome job writing this book of character vs. society. So many times we get caught up with everyday life that we get side tracked about what's really important and neccessary for a successful life. Dave and Clarice the married couple in this story each had their own ideas of what success was. Dave's idea of success was a family, coaching a baseball team of troubled boys and owning his own business. Clarice's idea was climbing the ladder of success as a real estate agent making T.D. Jakes did an awesome job writing this book of character vs. society. So many times we get caught up with everyday life that we get side tracked about what's really important and neccessary for a successful life. Dave and Clarice the married couple in this story each had their own ideas of what success was. Dave's idea of success was a family, coaching a baseball team of troubled boys and owning his own business. Clarice's idea was climbing the ladder of success as a real estate agent making top dollars and living way beyond their means. But the trials and tribulation of life quickly brings forth the vows they made to each other and before God. Once the temptations, a meddlesome mother and not as much money coming in started to weigh on them the Pastor that married them had to remind them that God has to be that third cord in any marriage for it to be successful; that there are going to be test to challenge that marriage. Once they were reminded of their vows and the love that they had for one another the story builds back up to end with a positive ending.

This book is a very good read.

Rachel Robins
Jun 04, 2011 rated it really liked it
Oddly enough, I saw the movie BEFORE I read the book, something I rarely do and I love them both (even more rare)! Jakes weaves a very pogiant tale of a couple who are greatly struggling in their marriage and almost lose it all. He deftly weaves in another side story of a single-mother and her son (yep, I am so not giving specifics so you'll read it)and the characters collide in unexpected ways. Jake is a preacher so there is a strong Christian message here about covenants with God and covenants Oddly enough, I saw the movie BEFORE I read the book, something I rarely do and I love them both (even more rare)! Jakes weaves a very pogiant tale of a couple who are greatly struggling in their marriage and almost lose it all. He deftly weaves in another side story of a single-mother and her son (yep, I am so not giving specifics so you'll read it)and the characters collide in unexpected ways. Jake is a preacher so there is a strong Christian message here about covenants with God and covenants between each other. Even though Jakes is not of my specific faith, he is right on the money with the point he makes in the book. The narrative is well written and the reality of the storylines are compelling. Prepare yourself though because there are a couple of gut-retching moments in the book, but, life is not always pretty or easy and it's the power deep within us to choose how we live in spite of adversity that makes all the difference. I think Jakes captures that concept perfectly. Worth the read. ...more
Oru Solomon
May 19, 2015 rated it it was amazing
This book is awesome!

I love the narration, it is simple and void of sex scenes. It touches on issues affecting marriages and I must say T.D Jakes knows is onions; his calling is a gift to humanity and I pray the Good Lord, Keep him healthy for more exploit against the devil.

Personally, He is my mentor. I love his messages; they are down to earth; they are issues that are real and not abstract as some preachers do. Faith deals with the known to the unknown. This life threatening phenomenaom calle

This book is awesome!

I love the narration, it is simple and void of sex scenes. It touches on issues affecting marriages and I must say T.D Jakes knows is onions; his calling is a gift to humanity and I pray the Good Lord, Keep him healthy for more exploit against the devil.

Personally, He is my mentor. I love his messages; they are down to earth; they are issues that are real and not abstract as some preachers do. Faith deals with the known to the unknown. This life threatening phenomenaom called Divorce is recking havoc on human society and the Lord says he hates it. I see it as a canker-worm fighting against the true essence of the family institution and be that as it may, society needs to address this head-long.

Thank you Bishop Jakes!

Jan 09, 2009 rated it it was ok
This book was disappointing for sure. Unfortunately, Bishop Jakes is not a great fiction writer. The story was fine, but the follow-through was only fair. His writing of women is completely unrealistic. Maybe I just haven't been around people who talk the way that he wrote people talking, but there were just a few too many "That's whack", "Dawg" "Awright" "For real" for my taste. And he wrote with way too many metaphors, most of which didn't even make sense to me. Plus, without spoiling it, the This book was disappointing for sure. Unfortunately, Bishop Jakes is not a great fiction writer. The story was fine, but the follow-through was only fair. His writing of women is completely unrealistic. Maybe I just haven't been around people who talk the way that he wrote people talking, but there were just a few too many "That's whack", "Dawg" "Awright" "For real" for my taste. And he wrote with way too many metaphors, most of which didn't even make sense to me. Plus, without spoiling it, the ending with the other woman and the friend is COMPLETELY unrealistic, even though I totally saw it coming. ...more
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. SPOILERS. A good story that didn't quite live up to its potential. The characters could have used a bit more fleshing out. I wish these stories of men and women doing each other wrong, were more balanced. Once again, most of the fault for the troubles in the marriage, were laid at the feet of the wife. Add in a sanctamonious'other woman', a husband who was no where near as forthcoming, or self accountable, as he should have been, and I have a hard time giving two thumbs up to this book. Jakes mi SPOILERS. A good story that didn't quite live up to its potential. The characters could have used a bit more fleshing out. I wish these stories of men and women doing each other wrong, were more balanced. Once again, most of the fault for the troubles in the marriage, were laid at the feet of the wife. Add in a sanctamonious'other woman', a husband who was no where near as forthcoming, or self accountable, as he should have been, and I have a hard time giving two thumbs up to this book. Jakes missed the boat when he barely included love, in the reasons why the two stayed together ...more
Jun 21, 2017 rated it liked it
I actually watched the movie based on this book before I read the book. I first started to read the book, and felt disheartened that it was a book about a couple arguing. Watching the movie, I realized it had some redeeming qualities, so I began the book again.

The movie, and the book, illustrates well what can happen in relationships when individuals 'buy-in' to the roles promoted by society - or others, without considering why it is we love those we love and made the life choices that we did.


I actually watched the movie based on this book before I read the book. I first started to read the book, and felt disheartened that it was a book about a couple arguing. Watching the movie, I realized it had some redeeming qualities, so I began the book again.

The movie, and the book, illustrates well what can happen in relationships when individuals 'buy-in' to the roles promoted by society - or others, without considering why it is we love those we love and made the life choices that we did.

I would however, suggest watching the movie over the book.

Margaret Olugbaro
This. Is a great piece. It addresses so many underlying issues apart from the major marital challenge faced by Dave and his wife. One lesson here is not to carry baggage into marriage. We all come from different backgrounds with varied experiences but these should never inform how we build our marital lives. It sure takes the grace of God to let go. Clarise was obviously influenced by her mum but she was able to break free else she would have lost Dave to another woman. Thank you Bishop T.D.. Ja This. Is a great piece. It addresses so many underlying issues apart from the major marital challenge faced by Dave and his wife. One lesson here is not to carry baggage into marriage. We all come from different backgrounds with varied experiences but these should never inform how we build our marital lives. It sure takes the grace of God to let go. Clarise was obviously influenced by her mum but she was able to break free else she would have lost Dave to another woman. Thank you Bishop T.D.. Jakes for blessing the world always. I haven't seen the movie but intend to. ...more
Cheryl Gainer-Seay
This was an excellent read. I recommend this for most strong African American women trying to balance a career and marriage. This was an eye opener of how you have to be well balanced. Although you're dealing with everyday stressor you have to remain compassionate, or you may loose what you have.
This was an excellent read. I recommend this for most strong African American women trying to balance a career and marriage. This was an eye opener of how you have to be well balanced. Although you're dealing with everyday stressor you have to remain compassionate, or you may loose what you have.
Feb 11, 2009 rated it really liked it
Recommended to Nyea by: my mom
This book is not your regular black love relationship, in actuality this book is very inspirational for couples or in general going through hard times. IT inspires people that you can indeed get through hard times, I can't wait to be finished with the book!!

This book was very inspirational and good.

This book is not your regular black love relationship, in actuality this book is very inspirational for couples or in general going through hard times. IT inspires people that you can indeed get through hard times, I can't wait to be finished with the book!!

This book was very inspirational and good.

Trish Boese
Mar 22, 2012 rated it really liked it
4* This was an inspiring book by T. D. Jakes. I enjoyed the southern language and the well written subject matter. David and Clarice had a good marriage but the flame has cooled. They want to save their marriage but how? The characters have my sympathy and I felt like I learned lessons along with them.
Mrs Tupac
I think EJD helped T.d Jakes write this. This book,had some good parts and boring parts. the casting for the movie was good imo I like the movie better than the book. Clarice had a good husband she did not deserve smh I feel her character could've grew more .... the ending was so dull I think EJD helped T.d Jakes write this. This book,had some good parts and boring parts. the casting for the movie was good imo I like the movie better than the book. Clarice had a good husband she did not deserve smh I feel her character could've grew more .... the ending was so dull ...more
Gillena Cox
Sep 06, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Dave, Clarice and Julie find themselves in a menage a trois; always, never a happy situation.
However in the end, Dave can say " he'd witnessed-- and been part of -- a dark pilgrimage through guilt, grief, and death that had turned slowly, slowly back toward life, light, and the rediscovery of love and respect."
For me the Chapter 18 curveball was quite a stunner
Ah but the cord with three strands of Ecclesiastes certains pulls through to a happily ever after story.
Not Easily Broken by T D Jakes i
Dave, Clarice and Julie find themselves in a menage a trois; always, never a happy situation.
However in the end, Dave can say " he'd witnessed-- and been part of -- a dark pilgrimage through guilt, grief, and death that had turned slowly, slowly back toward life, light, and the rediscovery of love and respect."
For me the Chapter 18 curveball was quite a stunner
Ah but the cord with three strands of Ecclesiastes certains pulls through to a happily ever after story.
Not Easily Broken by T D Jakes is a hard to put down novel.
My favourite quote: "The road may go down and it way go up, but long as you keep walking, you goubg to get there. Just don't sit down on the side."
Andrea Gaines
Nov 28, 2020 rated it it was amazing
This actually spoke to me! It's not often I find advice in books that pertains to me personally, but this did...and it's doable! T D Makes has always been my "pastor", because of his unique ability to cut to the core if a situation and give you an actual active solution to the problem. He also tells it straight! No B S or sugar coating! I really appreciate that!
The sermons he did to back up this book makes you sit up and pay attention and look at the scares as proof that at least you showed up f
This actually spoke to me! It's not often I find advice in books that pertains to me personally, but this did...and it's doable! T D Makes has always been my "pastor", because of his unique ability to cut to the core if a situation and give you an actual active solution to the problem. He also tells it straight! No B S or sugar coating! I really appreciate that!
The sermons he did to back up this book makes you sit up and pay attention and look at the scares as proof that at least you showed up for the fight!!
I highly recommend thus book to anyone!
Whether you're broken or not!❤๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ“– it will definitely Help you understand more about those who are...and yourself!๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ•ฏ✨
Apr 27, 2021 rated it it was amazing
Wow! What an eye opener this book is. Wow! We can self sabotage oneself just by the way you were raised.
Tiffany Spencer
Very good book. I vaguely remember the movie but I really enjoyed this book
Sep 15, 2021 rated it liked it
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. This is an ok book. It's about a couple who are very happily married until an incident that breaks them. They seek counseling and make up
Bridgette Redman
T.D. Jakes is a man who knows his audience and writes directly and unapologetically for them. His latest book, Not Easily Broken is a novel sure to appeal to Promise Keepers, Dobson devotees, and evangelical Christians everywhere.

Would that more books written for that audience could be done with the skill and sensitivity that T.D. Jakes shows.

Not Easily Broken is the story of a marriage. When the book opens, the marriage is 15 years old and Clarisse and Dave aren't exactly in a cozy, comfortab

T.D. Jakes is a man who knows his audience and writes directly and unapologetically for them. His latest book, Not Easily Broken is a novel sure to appeal to Promise Keepers, Dobson devotees, and evangelical Christians everywhere.

Would that more books written for that audience could be done with the skill and sensitivity that T.D. Jakes shows.

Not Easily Broken is the story of a marriage. When the book opens, the marriage is 15 years old and Clarisse and Dave aren't exactly in a cozy, comfortable place. Neither, though, are they in a terrible place. Rather, they have failed to nurture their marriage and find themselves increasingly at odds with one another. Clarisse wants Dave to be more ambitious and supportive of her career; Dave wants Clarisse to understand him better and to let him protect her and help her the way he wants to. Dave wants kids; Clarisse is certain it's a trick to destroy her career.

Amidst this uneasy tension, they are in a car accident which leaves Clarisse's leg badly broken. She drops deep into depression and pushes away all of Dave's attempts to help her. He grows increasingly frustrated and then gives up trying. Matters compound when he connects with a single mom, Julie, Clarisse's physical therapist. What starts out as a mentoring relationship with her son grows into an attraction.

Not Easily Brokentakes a tender look at a marriage and the difficulties a marriage can have. Jakes takes the readers through detailed sessions with both the physical therapist and the family therapist, accurately capturing the emotions and reservations that the characters feel. He's also able to communicate some important truths about relationships and interdependence without sounding preachy.

Jakes creates a world in which everyone easily and comfortably speaks the language of Christians. Clarisse is described as a high-powered woman obsessed with the world, but she is still prayerful and easily conversant with the language spoken at church even when she is at work.

There is a loving spirit that is infused throughout the book. There is an understanding and sympathy for all of the characters except Clarisse's Mama who is merely a bitter, hateful woman. Granted, Jakes makes it very clear whose attitudes he disapproves of, but he still treats them with a great deal of tenderness.

Outside of the Christian/evangelical culture, there are some things in this book which are difficult to accept. There appears to be almost a complete lack of any male-female platonic relationships. What gets termed as an affair between Dave and Julie is what most people would consider a friendship. Yes, there is an inappropriate attraction between them, but they don't act upon it until long after everyone has labeled it an affair—and even that action was the most mild of transgressions done in a moment of weakness. Prior to that point the only physical contact was a brief hug—of the very type that other characters of the same gender were engaging in without a second thought.

It seems to me that harm was done to the marriage by labeling attendance at a swim meet and one lunch date in a public restaurant as an affair. Yes, they were in a danger zone, but they didn't act upon their impulses and behaved in what most people would consider a responsible, mature fashion.

Clarisse is castigated for not being vulnerable or for not letting Dave protect her. Yet, Dave isn't expected to be equally vulnerable to her. She is blamed for his becoming interested in another woman. Yes, trust and vulnerability is a positive force in a relationship. They're the steps toward healthy interdependence. But this book implies that it is the woman's place to be dependent and the man's place to be protective. This may not be seen as a flaw. My mileage (and thriving marriage) differs.

There are some well-developed characters in this book, most notably Clarisse's assistant who has a strong voice all her own. Many of the other characters, especially the main three, all start to sound the same quite quickly. Perhaps it is a result of them sharing in a subculture's language, but it often blurred their individual characters.

Laying a charge of sexism against this book might have seemed extreme had it not been for the beauty salon scene. Perhaps it was meant to be funny, but it came across as ludicrous and petty. Here was a doctor and patient who would be most likely to greet each other, but instead act petty due to guilt over a non-affair. It was a scene that was simply insulting and offensive.

Those issues aside, the book was refreshing in its underlying optimism and practicality. It didn't assume that all difficulties would be wiped away, but it certainly showed that couples are capable of solving even difficult issues and finding a way to avoid sundering what God has put together.

Jan 02, 2009 rated it liked it
At the Heart,
Dave and Clarice Johnson have been married for twelve years. In that time they have drifted apart, but they share the same house and same bed. Yet their dreams and goals are so different.

While Dave is happy coaching the little league team and owning his own business, Clarice is a no-nonsense type of person. Everything is so cut and dry with her. As a real estate agent, Clarice is making lots of money. She is all about show, whereas Dave is just a regular Joe.

Their lives sway 100%

At the Heart,
Dave and Clarice Johnson have been married for twelve years. In that time they have drifted apart, but they share the same house and same bed. Yet their dreams and goals are so different.

While Dave is happy coaching the little league team and owning his own business, Clarice is a no-nonsense type of person. Everything is so cut and dry with her. As a real estate agent, Clarice is making lots of money. She is all about show, whereas Dave is just a regular Joe.

Their lives sway 100% due to a car accident.

The physical therapist that Clarice and Brock hired to help Clarice appears to be showing Dave some things. As a man, Dave has sincere feelings, yet his wife is shutting him out. Can he continue to feel like a man? Clarice is also suffering. She has serious issues from the car accident and she's unable to see the changes in Dave. That is until someone so clearly points them out to her.

Will Dave and Clarice be able to save their rocky marriage???

Not Easily Broken was just too predictable for my liking.

Reviewed by: Carmen

Mar 08, 2013 rated it liked it
Saw the movie, then tried to read the book. I could not get past the first page. I am not sure what the problem was, but I opened to the middle and read through to the end. Then I went back to the beginning and read to the middle. I enjoyed the book. It followed the movie fairly closely, the book had some more details and background that I missed in the movie. I was able to get to know the characters a bit better in the book.
Nov 20, 2007 rated it liked it
I was house-sitting one afternoon and sat down with this book. It was a nice, quick read, and better than I expected. I did not know that TD Jakes was writing fiction now. I wouldn't call it literature, but it was decent fiction and I enjoyed it. I will probably read the next book he wrote with some of the same characters in it-Covergirls I was house-sitting one afternoon and sat down with this book. It was a nice, quick read, and better than I expected. I did not know that TD Jakes was writing fiction now. I wouldn't call it literature, but it was decent fiction and I enjoyed it. I will probably read the next book he wrote with some of the same characters in it-Covergirls ...more
Bishop T.D. Jakes is the author of the bestsellers God's Leading Lady; The Lady, Her Lover and Her Lord; Maximize the Moment; The Great Investment; His Lady; Woman, Thou art Loosed (the film of which won the Best Film Award at the Santa Barbara Film Festival) and He-Motions. His daily morning show The Potter's Touch and weekly broadcast The Potter's House air on Trinity Broadcasting Network and Bl Bishop T.D. Jakes is the author of the bestsellers God's Leading Lady; The Lady, Her Lover and Her Lord; Maximize the Moment; The Great Investment; His Lady; Woman, Thou art Loosed (the film of which won the Best Film Award at the Santa Barbara Film Festival) and He-Motions. His daily morning show The Potter's Touch and weekly broadcast The Potter's House air on Trinity Broadcasting Network and Black Entertainment Television, as well as in Europe and South America. Bishop Jakes is the founder and pastor of The Potter's House, one of the fastest-growing churches in the nation, where he leads an interracial congregation of more than 28,000 members. He lives in Dallas with his wife and five children. ...more

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